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The Initiative for the Study of Asian Catholics (ISAC) is an international collaboration hosted by the Asia Research Institute (Singapore) to foster social scientific research on Asian Catholics in contemporary societies. With the aim of facilitating dialogue, generating new research projects, and contributing to already existing research in the Philippines, Hong Kong, India, and other places, ISAC intends to expand and deepen conversations investigating the lived realities, socio-cultural contributions, and challenges faced by Asian Catholics at the local, national, and global levels. While ISAC takes a multidisciplinary approach, it particularly encourages research on contemporary Asian Catholics from the perspectives of sociology, economy, environmental studies, anthropology, political sciences, art, gender studies, etc.

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WEBINAR Perbualan

Catholic Socio-Political Activism in South Korea

(via Zoom)

16 April 2025. 

20:00 Singapore Time 

Work Desk

Research Development 

Three tools that we are collectively developing to support scholars & strengthen social scientific research on Asian Catholics in contemporary societies: 

White Structure

Communicating Beyond Academia

Three tools that we are collectively developing to bring social scientific knowledge about Asian Catholics to broader audiences:

Asia Research Institute
AS8 #07-01,
10 Kent Ridge Crescent (S) 119260
Kent Ridge Campus

National University of Singapore


©2021 by Initiative for the Study of Asian Catholics

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